Friday, October 24, 2008

My New iPod, Sappy Girl Movies, etc.

Ok, so this was supposed to be included in the random bits post I did last night, but for some reason my crazy computer did something weird and deleted the last half of my post, so I will post it again.

On Tuesday I got a brand new iPod's 8GB, and it's pink too! I was so I got it at Costco for $10 less than I could get it anywhere else. I was totally stoked!!! So I got to take it to ladies' study on Wednesday and show it off. Unfortunately, (well, not really unfortunately, just in this instance unfortunately) I wore a pink and grey dress and pink sweatshirt, which gave Austin ample opportunity to comment, 'Oh, you match your iPod. How cute!' Ha. Ha. Very funny.....Yeah, but I love it, and it's so much fun to play with. I love turning the volume up and down and scrolling thru my music just to use the little scroll-ey's amazing!!

My dad is out of town, so my mom took the girls and rented a bunch of what my dad calls 'sappy girl movies', most of which involve Barbie (eww!). Last night's feature was "Barbie and the Diamond Castle", which Paige and I mocked profusely and with fervor. It had the most ludicrous plot, which involved the most ridiculous looking hot pink acoustic guitars (all my guitar playing friends will understand that absolutely no one takes you seriously when you play a hot pink acoustic I right? Of course I am....;D) Also, the ridiculous characters made up the most absurd song on the spot (they composed stupid songs all throughout the movie) that Paige and I had a lot of fun mocking. Also there were the most retarded boys in it...yeah, I won't even go into that. The only interesting part was the 2 dogs in it had some amazing dance know, those ones that the guys on the games team at VBS always try so hard to get...? And never succeed...? (You know the ones) Well, those dogs had it down, I'm telling you. ;)

Tonight we're watching Cranford, which should be a major improvement on Barbie. Supposedly it's really funny. We have a great stock of movies to watch before my dad gets home, such as North and South, Expelled, Tuck Everlasting, another stupid Barbie movie (maybe I can burn that one before we get to it...hmm...), The Ugly Dachsund (yeah, I know I didn't spell that right), The Love Bug, and a whole bunch of other ones. Yeah, we party when my dad leaves (not really, we just watch a whole bunch of movies that he hates....that's all). Anyway, that is pretty much all I have to say...oh yeah, we saw Shylie tonight and she is absolutely adorable!!! Now that's all I have to say...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Firecrackers and Other Random Bits

Ok, so my mom just told me to go play with firecrackers, and when my mom in particular tells me to go play with fireworks, that means I need to get off my lazy rear and do something constructive before she makes me do extra biology homework. So, since I'm not stupid enough to go play with firecrackers, I decided to post since I haven't posted in a long time.

So, let's see, what have I been doing lately? On Friday, me, Anne, Kaitlyn and Mandy went to see The Importance of Being Earnest at the little theater in Denair. It was pretty stinkin' funny. The program was hilarious in fact that I will post the hilarious piece. The 4 of us laughed so hard over it! Here it is.

Sam Aly is only 21 years old; at age 15 he became the youngest person ever employed by the CIA. While with the agency he was involved in over 100 overseas missions and was instrumental in discovering information on North Korea's nuclear program. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, he single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants and while on vacation in Canada, he successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had siezed a small bakery. He woos women with his sensuos and godlike trumbone playing, plays bluegrass cello, participates in full-contact origami, was scouted by the Mets, and is an outlaw in Peru. He has won bullfights in San Juan, clif-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. The rightful hier to the Caesar of Rome, and a multi-millionaire by the time he was 16, his most recent major project involves converting the Eiffel Tower into a giant pigeon coop. He leaves 2 days after "Earnest" on a 26 day tour of impoverished nations where he is considered a small deity due to his overwhelming charity. He is much in demand on Broadway and in Hollywood, although he is very selective of his roles. He most recently starred in "Watching Paint Dry with Sam" which grossed $55 million in box offices in Hong Kong and won Chinese Emmys for best male star and best set decoration. He got his start at the Gaslight and is proud to be back, although forced to commute weekly from his seaside palace on Waikiki beach which was a gift from the queen of Spain.

Haha, yeah I know it's incredibly stupid, but it was so funny! We first noticed it because it was sooo long that they typed his section of the program in an itty bitty font and it was still longer than anyone else's! Ooh, the guy that wrote that played Algernon, and if you've read the book, and just read the above paragraph, you can imagine he did a pretty good job.

"I am sick to death of cleverness. Everybody is clever now-a-days. You can't go anywhere without meeting clever people. The thing has become an absolute public nuisance. I wish to goodness we had a few fools left."
Jack Worthing/Ernest Moncrieff, The Importance of Being Earnest

Yeah, so I've already posted more than I was originally intending on that subject...On Saturday I went to the Women's Conference. It was incredible!!! Post this link into your browser to get the audio/video and podcasts. I would totally recommend listening to them, even if you went.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ok, so I know I haven't posted in a while and no, today I will not apologize, I have been waaaaay too tired to post coherently.
Anyway, Insomnia was Friday and Saturday. It was soooooo much fun!!! I got to church at 10 to 7, and almost nobody was there. Pretty soon Tawnee and Sarah got there, and we started talking. We found out that the three of us and Libby were all riding in the O's van with Steve and Deb. We were so excited! Trust me, being in the van is ever so much better than riding the bus! ('Cuz it's amazingly funny to see the looks on everyone's faces when you walk into Laserquest with Starbucks, or when they find you eating chocolate covered coffee beans outside Boomers...that sort of thing.) Besides that, on the way to Boomers (our first stop), we had an interesting conversation (I won't go into how it started) about names, and Sarah randomly said, "I'm Del...Del Taco!"...and one thing leading to another, the rest of the night Sarah was Del Taco, and I became Nacho, and Tawnee was Quesadilla, and Libby was Taqueria. It was really funny, but everyone else thought we were really wierd cuz they didn't understand the joke. You probly won't either, but I'm telling you, it was funny!
At Boomers, it was sooo awful, on the go-carts, we were coming in at the very end, and I was like at the end (only Libby was behind me), and waaaay before we got to the gate I took my foot completely off the gas...and I didn't slow down at all! So I frantically started pushing the brake...and still didn't slow down, so I started pumping it, and then slammed on it...and nothing would slow me down! The brake was completely not working! Yikes! So I came speeding into the parking area (what else would you call that?) at like really fast, and the guy that was running it got kinda mad at me (but I didn't get an "x"!!!! I was so proud of myself!) but I was sooo mortified. Every single car in front of me seriously moved like a foot, that's how fast I was going. And everyone in line was watching...and James and a bunch of his friends were watching and laughing at me!! I was so mortified! :( Other than that my evening was amazing.
I had never been to Laserquest before, so that was sooo much fun, even though I got 23, 24, and 25 out of 25...yeah, I know. I did really bad. But it was my first time...what can I say? It was a lot of fun though...Tawnee and I spent a whole bunch of quarters in the crazy toy machines getting necklaces and Tawnee got a bunch of tiny farm animals.
At McHenry bowl everyone's energy started to wear off, and we all got really tired. Our group was me, Tawnee, Libby, Deb, and Ronda. We took such a long time, that when everyone else got 3 or 4 games played, we only played 2. We had candy and caffeine there too. I had a Mountain Dew Code Red it was really good (and it lasted me till around 7 so I didn't crash til my dad and I were on the way home).
We of the van got to church way before the bus, so we got the couches. Tawnee and I took the one directly in front of the TV at the back of the room. We all had a continental breakfast once the bus people got there, and had a movie vote between Willie Wonka, Narnia, and Monsters, Inc. Almost all the girls wanted Monsters, Inc., and we yelled the loudest, so we watched Monsters, Inc. All of the guys were so mad at us! Oh, my goodness, that movie has never been as funny as at 5 am on Saturday! Tawnee and I were cracking up the whole time. Thinking back I'm sure it must have been really obnoxious to everyone else, but we were so tired at the time that we just laughed at everything, even stuff that really wasn't funny. (Like we laughed when the doorknob fell out of the grinder at the very ridiculous is that?) Anyway....I have written way too much already so I'll just say I slept til a quarter to 1 and that was not long enough cuz I am still so tired...I'm going to bed now...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So I haven't posted in a while cuz I've been busy trying to keep up with school and stuff. Today we had ladies' study. It was fun. Annie and Mandy and I are planning to go see The Importance of Being Earnest on the 17th. I'm excited...we were all planning it today, and the boys (namely, James) were making fun of us for wanting to see it. But it will be good. Insomnia is on Friday too....I can't wait! It will be so much fun! The only thing is is Hahaha...yeah. Anyway, tonight we had bible study. We read in 1st Samuel 8 how the Israelites wanted a king so they would be like other nations and we also read in Romans 12 where Paul is reminding Christians not to conform to the world...
Romans 12:2-

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Isn't that great? I love that verse. Anyway the lesson was basically-not conforming to the ways of the world. Dave told the leaders to abandon their question cards and everyone just shared and "got real" with each other. It was just really good. It was a really good time of feeding off of each other and growing closer to God at the same time. It was a really fruitful night, at least for me. And my mom wants me to go to bed cuz I have a dentist appt tomorrow morning......lame, argh! So I better stop.

The Happy Girlscout

Well, last Friday night, we went over to Annie and Hayden's cuz some of the guys were playing crouquet. Us girls (me, Annie, Kristine, Kaitlyn and Paige) amused ourselves by building a fire (a long process that involved an extended period of time trying to make flames using a lighter, and then eventually led to using a blowtorch on paper grocery bags for extended periods of time-yep, that's how us girls light fires :) haha) Anyway, once we got the fire going, we roasted (actually, burned) marshmallows. Then Annie, Kristine and I collected donations for the "Pie Fund". Once we had gotten quite a bit of money, the three of us drove to Marie Calendar's and bought like 4 or 5 pies, and then went to Walgreens to get paper plates and plastic cups. On the way home we listened to Bohemian Rhapsody really loud and sang really high and it sounded awful but it was fun. After we ate the pies and amongst other things, played Imaginiff and watched old movies of ourselves when we were little kids, Kaitlyn, Paige, Annie and I decided to take some cool pictures. After we took some very solemn and quite interesting photos, we had an inspiration...we should make a movie!! So we did. Yeah, it started with a butter knife...and here's what came out.

Yeah, wasn't that funny?? We were pretty proud of it. Annie put it all together (I just thought I should mention that since she didn't give herself credit for pics or arrangement or anything in the credits at the end.) Yeah, she did all that stuff, that's why it looks so good and has the fitting music and everything. I just had a thought, what is is with me and morbid movies?? Both the videos I have posted on here I am a good person (here, driven to evillness though!) that gets murdered. Hmm... Anyway, Anne was going to post it on her blog and it didn't work so I thought I'd try it on mine so there it is.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Race Car

Yeah, so we just bought a new (actually, really old) car. (No, it is not pink, I only wish it was) It is actually blue. It's a stick shift (yeah, like I said, really old) but it will be fun cuz my dad can teach me how to drive it. It's a Toyota old guy car. title. Yeah, I'm calling it the race car. I'm not exactly sure why. It was an interesting chain of events. My dad says we're gonna get this car, and shows us a picture, and says we're gonna paint numbers on the doors, and put stickers on the sides so it looks like a race car. (ha ha, yeah right) Then right after we got it, my mom and I passed a Tercel while driving on the freeway...and it had stickers all over the sides. And I was like 'Hey mom they think it's a race car too!', and it was just a big joke. Hence the name, "The Race Car". Only I call it that...but what else am I s'posed to call it? The Toyota? The Little Car? We have "The Truck" and "The Suburban", so I had to have something to call it. Anyway, yeah, I know it's wierd. I'll post pics of it later (maybe). Right now I don't feel like taking pics of it.
Oh, and on this picture, can you believe that Dale Earnhardt's first race car was actually pink??? I find that amazing. Now I know why I always liked him so much! I really like that's pretty cool.
Uhh, yeah, I need to eat lunch and then I have a looong babysitting job. 12:30-5...(big sigh) yeah. I love babysitting Owen, but I watched him last night too, and it's just going to be a long day. So yeah, that's all I got. :)