I have listened to a bit of Flyleaf lately. And pretty much this song is amazing. I love it so much!
All Around Me - Flyleaf
My hands are searching for You
My arms are outstretched towards You
I feel You on my fingertips
My tongue dances behind my lips for You
The fire rising through my being
Burning, I'm not used to seeing You
I'm alive, I'm alive
I can feel You all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing
My hands float up above me
And You whisper You love me
And I begin to fade into our secret place
The music makes me sway
The angels singing say we are alone with You
I am alone, and they are too, with You
I'm alive, I'm alive
I can feel You all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing
And so I cry
The light is white
And I see You
I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive
I can feel You all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing
Take my hand
I give it to You
Now You own me
All I am
You said You would never leave me
I believe You
I believe
I can feel You all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healed
This morning during my devotional, I was reading Psalm 5, and it was just so amazing that I had to write it down in my journal because it spoke to me so much! I was looking for a passage on guidance or the Lord's will in our lives or something of that nature, and flipping through the Psalms, and the header on Psalm 5, at least in my Bible, is "A prayer for guidance". So obviously I had to stop and read it. AND it was amazing. So here it is. Be prepared to soak in the amazingness.
Psalm 5 - A prayer for guidance
1 Give ear to my words, O Lord,
Consider my meditation.
2 Give heed to the voice of my cry,
My King and my God,
For to You I will pray.
3 My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You,
And I will look up.
4 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness,
Nor shall evil dwell with You.
5 The boastful sahll not stand in Your sight;
You hate all workers of iniquity.
6 You shall destroy those who speak falsehood;
The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and decietful man.
7 But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy;
In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple.
8 Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies;
Make Your way straight before my face.
9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth;
Their inward part is destruction;
Their throat is an open tomb;
They flatter with their tongue.
10 Pronounce them guilty, O God!
Let them fall by thier own counsels;
Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions,
For they have rebelled against You.
11 But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
Let those also who love Your name
Be joyful in You.
12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous;
With favor You will surround him as with a shield.
It's just so awesome to me that we can put our trust in Him and know that He will defend us! We can rejoice in His love because we know that He is in control and He will take care of us. He is directing our paths and if we will only pay attention to Him, He will "make His way straight before our face"! Isn't that splendid?
Today while I was in town with my mum, I saw a car that had "JUST DIVORCED" painted in large capital letters on the back window. Isn't that so sad? I literally almost cried. How horrible! What is this world coming to? Because I am here to tell you, if I was ever so terribly unfortunate as to suffer through a divorce (I hope and pray that never, ever, EVER happens, but...), you can be quite sure that I will not be proclaiming it to the world by painting it on the back of my car! I was quite perturbed.
I got a new hat. It is not as crazy and spontaneous as might have been desired, but there are always other hats. And for the present, this one is nice and grey and has a bill that will not obstruct my peripheral vision and will keep my noggin quite toasty while I'm at the snow. Plus it has two little grommets on the bill that just look cool. Maybe I'll pin a bow on it or something. Or not. In any event, it will serve the purpose quite nicely, as far as hats go. Altogether a quite satisfactory hat.
Hopefully you were not bothered by the length of this post, with the song lyrics and the whole Psalm and all, but if you were, I'm not sorry. Because this is my blog, and if you don't like it, well, then, maybe you shouldn't read it.
I believe I've said before that I don't like compromise? That saying, "Whatever floats your boat," is one of the most ridiculous I have heard yet. I would never say that. It's quite silly, in my opinion.
In any event, 5 a.m. is approaching rather too quickly for my taste, and so I shall depart for the realm of slumber.
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