This morning, in church, I learned that today was the Super Bowl. I don't know how I could not have known that. I feel very detached from society. Not that that's a bad thing. I'm still not sure who won. But whatever. It's not like I care.
I have a new snowboard, because my old one was quite a bit too large for me, since Da bought it for me in 6th grade, when we still thought I was going to grow. It's black with pink detailing. It's pretty awesome. It's so tiny though! Haha. But I guess it fits me. :) I like it, anyways.
I want to get a new hat for the next time we go snowboarding. I don't have a cool hat. I think I need one. Maybe one with earflaps. Or some fur. Or something crazy. I feel like I should have a crazy, spontaneous hat. It just seems like something everyone should have. Like I'm slightly deprived, because I don't have one. I think I must remedy this situation.
I was called a 'twerp' today, for the first time. By a 3rd grader. A very funny 3rd grader, who couldn't pronounce his "R's". You can imagine how 'twerp' sounded, coming from him. I was hard-pressed to keep myself from laughing in his face. Pretty hilarious.
Our class was actually normal-sized tonight. Anne and I had expected a small class because of Super Bowl but we had seven kids, as usual. When the kids started getting a bit crazy, Anne told them I had a machete. Trevor argued that we said before that Zak had the machete. So then Anne told him that I had Zak's machete, and so I had to "explain" how Zak had loaned me his machete so I could guard the children, "just in case". Of course then they wanted to know "just in case" of what? So Anne said it was to guard them, in case any dragons invaded. Then we discussed dragon invasions for a while, then we were back to the machete, then we discussed how old and decrepit Anne and I would be when our 3rd graders were in Junior High.
And Trevor colored these awesome pictures for Anne and I. It's a battle scene, with lots of arrows protruding from armor and bloody swords and fallen men. It's pretty great. He tucked a little note into the envelope too, that said, "God bless thy". He meant for it to say "God bless thee," but he spelled it wrong. So funny! My envelope was addressed to "Catty". ;) Hahaha! It was pretty great.
I was quite serious about the invading dragons...
Oh, so was I.
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