Friday, January 16, 2009

Plethora is an Amazing Word...

So, I guess I have a *plethora* of things to say today. I haven't posted in a few days, which is because every time I get on the computer to blog I have to check everyone else's blogs first before I post on mine, and then my mom wants me to go to bed by the time I'm done, cuz I'm always on the comp at like 11:30 or 12 at night. Haha, whoops. So anyway...

On Wednesday, we had "Christmas in Paradise" at HSF. It was pretty amazing. The deal was you could dress up Hawaiian or in "some tacky Christmas paraphanalia" (*paraphanalia* also is an amazing word). Well I didn't dress up but it was fun anyway. They had inflatable palm trees everywhere (how incredibly tacky, right?) and the doorway was completely strung with flowers (like the kind that they put on the leis). Pastor David was dressed all out Hawaiian, with reigndeer antlers on top of his hat, so he was Christmas too. He was pretty close to the only one though. We played several games. One of them we had to make sculptures out of spam (which was incredibly disgusting) NO one wanted to touch it to get it out of the container, so Ashlyn finally dug it out. In the end, I had to touch it, and it was SSSOOOOOOO GROSS. We made a reigndeer. It was very fat, and it's front legs collapsed, so we said it was bowing (it was a Christian reigndeer). Actually it looked more like it's front elbows were hyper-extended backwards, but that is NOT the point. Also a boy that looked like a mailbox was sitting next to it. He was very square, with a square purple button for a face, and a straw for arms. We didn't win. Pip's group won because they yelled really loud, and Reece won rock paper scissors against Darilyn. Tawnee (who represents our group) won the hula hoop game. Then we had the white elephant. It was fun, but there wasn't as many REALLY hilarious gifts as I would have expected from our high school group. I ended up with some caution tape, which, lame as it sounds, was really cool for me because I can use it for decorative purposes. I think I'm going to put some on my bedroom door, and also I'm going to (hopefully; with my mamma's permission) criss cross some across the back wall behind my desk, and put pictures and stuff up there. (my desk is built into a wall, in the kitchen; that's why I need my mum's by-your-leave) Anyway, that was that.

Yesterday we had Snow Day at my dad's work. He works for a big company in San Jose, and they have their own snow blowing and fog making equiptment, that they use once every year to make a "Winter Wonderland" of sorts in their parking lot. They build a big ramp, and have disks and tires and small sled things available to everyone's use, and you can slide down the ramp. Lots of fun for the children. I helped Ainsley build a snowman. This is us.

The first one is me and Ainsley as I was building her snowman (which she promptly squashed as soon as I had finished). She is holding the arms, which had not yet been attached.

The second one is Fish in the snow (it was his first time, he was pretay psyched).

The third and fourth ones are the girls sliding down the ramp.

The fourth one is proof that my Daddy did slide down. Actually he was forced to because once Paige got Ainsley to the top she decided she didn't want to get on, was holding up the whole line, throwing a fit, you get the picture. Talk about embarrassing. Anyway, Daddy had to rescue her (i.e. put her on the tube and shove it down the hill), but then was forced to slide down as well.

The fifth one is the fog machine. You could slide through that too. It was pretty cool.

And this last one is me with the half-finished snowman. It got a lot bigger, but the overall appearance didn't change much. It was a pretty ugly snowman, actually. Not something to be proud of.

♥Side Note♥

I wrote this a long time ago and never posted it and I just found it as a draft in my posts and decided to put it up. So here it is. (And obviously the times are off since it's been a month or so)


Annie said...

I was going to say... a little late. Of course there were no cool white elephant gifts! All the creative, funny people graduated!

And, just so you know, Hayden actually eat's spam.

Annie said...

Oh! and yes, plethora is a great word. Abecedarian is also a wonderful word... ooo, now I feel like reading a dictionary!

Becca said...

First of all... YOU STOLE MY WORD, YOU STOLE MY WORD, YOU STOLE MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the least you could do after that is spell it right, and its Darylyn, a y, not an i.