I haven't posted in so long. I am a horrible blogger, I get on and read everyone else's blogs and then I get off and don't post myself. How lame am I. Why does this sound so much like my last post that I wrote so long ago??? Whatever...
Anyway, I've had quite a good week. On Tuesday we went to Taekwondo. That was a lot of fun. We sparred, and my love for sparring was reignited (I don't think that was the right word...hmm). Anyway, I liked it. I haven't had so much fun sparring since Anne and Hayden did TKD with us. I had two really exciting sessions, the ones in between them were good for resting...LOL. Also, after TKD, we had a meeting with my E.S. (that's an educational specialist. Not like a specialist for retards or anything. Just so we're clear on that.) Anyway, I had to turn in my attendance and everything, and she said she has this
electric guitar sitting in her garage and did we know anyone who might want an electric guitar? and I was like 'heck yeah' and so I'm getting an electric guitar for FREE (you have to say it like for freEEEEee). And it probly won't be like a really good one or anything but at least for now I'll have it and it's FREE (key word here) and I can mess around with it. If it doesn't come with an amp we're probly gonna get one off of Craig's list or something. Anyway, that was exciting. :D And no, it's obviously not a les paul, but isn't it a cool pic?

Wednesday was really good too. We had a lot of fun at Ladies' study. For some reason, we (James, Mandy and I) laughed like A LOT during the course of that class. And omgsh there was this kid in our class, he just turned one, and he was like the fastest army crawler on the face of the earth, I'm not kidding! It was soooo funny watching him, all the sudden he just like dropped to the floor and took off like as fast as if he was running. It was pretty amazing! lol. Wed. night was good too, Danny Melendez taught for Pastor David, it was really good. It was on Ephesians 4, and I thought it was really interesting, because Pastor David taught on that passage just a month or so ago, and they touched on completely different points. So it was fun comparing where I marked in my bible from Pastor David's teaching to what Mr. Melendez was talking about. Also I had a Starbucks that night, and that always brightens an evening (am I right?).
Thursday also was good, another good Taekwondo class, and guitar. I passed a song in guitar class, which I always like doing, and so that was good. And ASL was ok, but I don't think I did very good on my test. It was really hard this week. So...hopefully I didn't do too bad...:( But altogether it was pretty good.
And I don't think I really did anything yesterday. We watched War Games last night. It's a really good movie, except it could use Clearplay for the language.
And I don't think I really did anything yesterday. We watched War Games last night. It's a really good movie, except it could use Clearplay for the language.
I didn't do anything today, I just played guitar and my mamma and I went to the store.
And my mom wants me to get off here, so I'll end for now.
How about technically reignited?
Reignited is the correct word.
For Freeeeee (you quoteing something ;))! How nice!
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