Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:25-26
Saturday, January 31, 2009
A Glue Present

A Redwall Feast

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Crazy Brother

Here's a q+a that I'd never done before. Have fun with it. Three Names You Go By: 1. Caitie 2. Cait 3. Caitlin and Fish is working on "sissy" 4. Storm Gullwhacker lol Annie! Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: 1. my "Storm Gullwhacker" nametag from the feast 2 my promise ring Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment: 1. the extra 5 hours of sleep I should have had this morning 2. peace Two People Who Will Fill This Out (and the First To Post it in a Comment): 1. no comment 2. I'm not sure what I would bet that no one comments on this. since no one ever comments Two Things You Did last night: 1. made Dibbun's delight. (it's redwall candy) 2. got an electric guitar. (btw, it's a black and white squire, which will look amazing with my pink and black checked strap :) but it's missing a string so I can't play it yet.bummer.) Two Things You Ate Yesterday: 1. fried chicken (soooooo good) 2. a bowl of cereal Two people you last talked to: 1. on the phone? Amy 2. in person? Auntie Bev Favorite Drinks: 1. Mountain Dew 2. java chip from starbucks LIST 2 PRAYER NEEDS; 1. to grow in Jesus and be in His word diligently 2. patience, and abiding in Christ, and learning to be silent so I can hear Him May God bless you and Keep you and make His Face to shine upon you Numbers. 6:24 |
Saturday, January 24, 2009
An Altogether Satisfactory Week

Wednesday was really good too. We had a lot of fun at Ladies' study. For some reason, we (James, Mandy and I) laughed like A LOT during the course of that class. And omgsh there was this kid in our class, he just turned one, and he was like the fastest army crawler on the face of the earth, I'm not kidding! It was soooo funny watching him, all the sudden he just like dropped to the floor and took off like as fast as if he was running. It was pretty amazing! lol. Wed. night was good too, Danny Melendez taught for Pastor David, it was really good. It was on Ephesians 4, and I thought it was really interesting, because Pastor David taught on that passage just a month or so ago, and they touched on completely different points. So it was fun comparing where I marked in my bible from Pastor David's teaching to what Mr. Melendez was talking about. Also I had a Starbucks that night, and that always brightens an evening (am I right?).
And I don't think I really did anything yesterday. We watched War Games last night. It's a really good movie, except it could use Clearplay for the language.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Plethora is an Amazing Word...

The first one is me and Ainsley as I was building her snowman (which she promptly squashed as soon as I had finished). She is holding the arms, which had not yet been attached.
The second one is Fish in the snow (it was his first time, he was pretay psyched).
The third and fourth ones are the girls sliding down the ramp.
The fourth one is proof that my Daddy did slide down. Actually he was forced to because once Paige got Ainsley to the top she decided she didn't want to get on, was holding up the whole line, throwing a fit, you get the picture. Talk about embarrassing. Anyway, Daddy had to rescue her (i.e. put her on the tube and shove it down the hill), but then was forced to slide down as well.
The fifth one is the fog machine. You could slide through that too. It was pretty cool.
And this last one is me with the half-finished snowman. It got a lot bigger, but the overall appearance didn't change much. It was a pretty ugly snowman, actually. Not something to be proud of.
♥Side Note♥
I wrote this a long time ago and never posted it and I just found it as a draft in my posts and decided to put it up. So here it is. (And obviously the times are off since it's been a month or so)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Atheist Holiday
Monday, January 5, 2009
Nothing to Say........
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Anyway, yeah, it was a lot of fun, and now that Annie has it I'll probably find ways to be at both her's and Becca's houses more often than of late...haha.
In any case, I really have nothing else to say, I just really want to blog. I'm really bored right now, like, everyone's gone at Detour, and no one was at church this morning, which is entirely depressing. Except Maci and Annie and Hayden (were at church, I mean). And there was no youth group which was lame, and I almost fell asleep during service. Anyway...I can't wait for Wednesday night!!!!!!! And I can see everyone again!!!!! And I am rambling about basically nothing so I'll just stop......♥