Well, as you know, my lovely Best cousins were here visiting sunny California last week. We saw them on the 1st at Ainsley's/Fisher's party, but we were all bummed cuz we couldn't make our 1800's-line-dancing-fun movie. So we really wanted to see them again on Thursday, and so by a round-about route involving playing phone tag with various persons all afternoon, it was arranged for us to go to my uncle Jeremy and aunt Jenny's house to play Rock Band with them and Anne's family, and the Bests. It was soooooo incredibly entertaining!!!!!! I played guitar all the time, except once I played bass. But I did better at guitar. We had an all-out battle of the bands--boys(Hayden (drums) Jared (bass) David (guitar) and Eric (vocals...very funny :0) vs. girls (me (guitar) Paige (drums) and Anne and Aunt Jenny who switched off between bass and vocals) vs. men (my Daddy (vocals and bass once or twice) Uncle Dave (drums) Uncle Jeremy (vocals, guitar) Uncle Brent (guitar, bass). It was amazing!!!!!!! I now really want to buy a Wii and then buy Rock Band so I can have a big party and play Rock Band all night long!!!!!! That would be so amazing, amen? So here's some pics of the guys rocking out. No pics of us cuz Aunt Jenny took the pics, and she played with us every time, lol! Maybe next time...

Anyway, yeah, it was a lot of fun, and now that Annie has it I'll probably find ways to be at both her's and Becca's houses more often than of late...haha.
In any case, I really have nothing else to say, I just really want to blog. I'm really bored right now, like, everyone's gone at Detour, and no one was at church this morning, which is entirely depressing. Except Maci and Annie and Hayden (were at church, I mean). And there was no youth group which was lame, and I almost fell asleep during service. Anyway...I can't wait for Wednesday night!!!!!!! And I can see everyone again!!!!! And I am rambling about basically nothing so I'll just stop......♥
My Hubby was ROCKING!!! It was lots of fun to watch too! Everyone looks serious but they were just concentrating. ;)
love ya Caitie, Mama
Dude, DETOUR was awsome. Call me monday and I will tell you all about it.
Man I wasn't at detour either!! Soo I LOVE ROCK BAND!! WE have it too and its soo fun! = ]
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