Sunday, December 7, 2008

You Know You're Homeschooled If...

Yeah, so I was just going through my emails and I thought this one was really funny so I decided to post it.
You Know You're Homeschooled If:

1. The line "You've got the right one baby!" doesn't remind you of a Pepsi commercial, but of The Buttercream Gang.

2. You know what The Buttercream Gang is.

3. You use abnormally long words in everyday conversation.

4. When people say AP, you have no idea what they're talking about.

5. You learned the preamble from School House Rock.

6. Your mom makes you cook dinner and calls it "Home Ec".

7. You've never had a 'sick day' in school.

8. Your mother has ever worn a jumper and clogs.

9. Jumping on the trampoline, or kicking the soccerball is P.E.

10. You are reading this and know exactly what I am talking about.
I can totally relate...anyone else??? Although I've only seen The Buttercream Gang like once, and my mom hasn't worn a jumper and clogs since I was 7. Also, another thing I've found, is that homeschoolers (including, I must admit, me) much too frequently use the excuse, "I was learned at home...", like we're not way, way smarter than public schooled kids already!!!! :-]


Becca said...

I have never seen the buttercream gang Cait, but I do use words that some people don't know what I am talking about.

(Like plethora!:)

Annie said...

I've seen a longer list than that before... and yes I know exactly what you're talking about. I feel so out of place in college! Hahaha! Much Love...

Unknown said...

That is super funny! Lol.

Darylyn Aubrey Starn said...

haha. i totally get this!! haha. thats AMAZING! homeschoolers ROCK!

Becca said...

Okay Cait; time to post again before I call you 10 times a day untill you do!:)