So, I know I haven't posted since like 2 or 3 Saturdays ago (Becca has kept me all too well informed on how horrible and lame of a blogger I am.) So today I'm posting.
So some of you maybe already of our doggies, Bullet, died on Monday morning. It was really sad. It all happened so fast, just like he lost so much weight and then in his sleep he just died. It was really hard. I was a little more prepared than the girls I think because I woke up at 7 on Monday when my alarm went off and my mom told me to go back to bed, (and like, she never EVER does that) so I kinda knew, but I was too tired at the time to really get upset or anything. I didn't cry like at all, so everyone said I was heartless and didn't care, but I did, I just didn't cry. I'm like that sometimes, where like I'll cry over like little tiny things and then bigger things I just walk around and don't talk for like days. (I know, I'm a wierdy).
So, any way, yeah, that was the "sad and sober part" of my week (that's from Rose in's a Louisa May Alcott book). Tuesday I did homework and was bored and mopey.
Wednesday was good...Fish was sick, so Mamma dropped Paige and me off at Ladies' study so we wouldn't have to miss the last week before Christmas. It was good. James, Mandy and I had a very gratifying discussion. This is it: Ok, so our master plan was to freeze Chris' car keys in a bucket of water right next to his car once it got to a technically "freezing" temperature, so that he would have to dig them out of the ice with an ice pick. Amazing plan, right? Yeah, I know. But James just had to find little holes in our amazing plan, so gradually we had to become more specific so he couldn't ruin mine and Mandy's plan. So in the end, our master plan ended up being this: taking a large metal bucket full of water, hanging Chris's keys from a string (I believe we decided that the string would be suspended from his side-rear-view mirror, in the middle of the bucket, letting it freeze with the keys in the center and then cutting the string. a large metal bucket so that it won't fit in the microwave and if it did the metal bucket would catch on fire, (or plastic so it would melt) and the key suspended in the center so they wouldn't be able to dump it out or cut off the bottom and get to the keys easily. Isn't it the most wonderful fool-proof plan ever in the world? I thought so. Anyway, enough about that. After ladies' study we went to taco bell for lunch with my auntie Bev and Wyat, and Annie and Tacy. After slight complications involving Auntie Bev's keys getting locked in her car, we continued on to Annie's house, where Paige happily played video games, and Anne and I tryed to learn a duet (to no avail). We went to Wednesday night afterwards. Not much to say about that, but it was good.

Thursday we were gone all day, what with guitar, Taekwondo, and ASL classes. Grandma toted Paige and I around, cuz Fish was still sick. Thursday night we walked Christmas tree lane with Becca's family and Auntie Bev. 

These are a couple pics that Paige, Becca and I took while walking along. I like the first one the best. (We actually took it last, but I put it first) Anyway...yeah that was Thursday.
Friday was so much fun!!!! I had Annie's white elephant party, it was so much fun. I took an airsoft target with Miley Cyrus's picture stuck in it. It was funny. All of the guys laughed at it and thought it was funny but they didn't want to steal it. Hahaha! I wouldn't either. I think Rachel ended up with it. (Oh, and I took home the best gift in the house: 4 berry lemonade Jones sodas!!!! woot woot!)
Saturday I had a servant's open house at the church. We took Danae with us. The 3 of us (Paige, me, Danae) were there really early, and then after lunch Paige left with a friend so Danae and I just talked a lot. Then Will was there for a little bit so we talked with him a bit, and then Tawnee got there and we went with them to Libby's house for a white elephant/cookie decorating party. It was fun. We played marbles and go fish and I got a broken guitar string as a white elephant gift. Pretty funny! Ahh, good times, good times...
Oh, and I'm so excited so I have to say it: at Libby's white elephant there were a few extra gifts so I got 2 pairs of Christmas light earrings that Libby made. Well, I was bummed because I couldn't wear them cuz I'm allergic to nickel (a cheap metal) and have to wear only gold earrings. Well, my dad suggested that I take the light charms off the other earrings and put them on mine and it worked!!! I am so excited! My dad doesn't usually let me wear different earrings, and I've never had dangly ones before, so I'm like totally stoked! I wore them to church tonight and was so excited! Anyway, I'll stop rambling and go to bed cuz I have to perform my ASL song tomorrow for my final grade for the semester (pray for me!!!!). Now I'm going to bed. Night! :)
I totally just almost fell over. I thought I would let you know that. I found a hole in your plan. For some reason, I have this feeling that I wouldn't be suprised if Chris had a blow torch in his car. Just a thought. :)
that would put a considerable damper on our plan. but though I wouldn't be suprised if he did, I have to say Chris probably doesn't carry a blowtorch around in his car.
haha, your plan is amazing!! O i totally know what you mean about like crying over little things and not over big things, trust me, I do it all the time! = ] yea but your guys' plan is BOMB.COM! do it!
There is no blow torch in his car... I checked. But he does have a big knife and I don't think he'd think twice before hacking away at a block of ice with it.
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