I am so stoked and totally ready for CHRISTmas!!!!!!! Sunday morning we went to church and had a really great bible study. It was just Mamma and the girls and me, and Fish, cuz Daddy was tired so he had to stay home (I imagine that after a week or so of getting up at 2:30 for 5 days, and then having to get up at 6:30 on Sunday catches up to you eventually, because every few weeks or so, Daddy has to stay home of a Sunday and sleep in-I can't say I blame him). Anyway, it being Mum, and not Dad that was driving, we stayed late-ish (yay!) so I got to hang out a bit after. Micah, Maci and I kinda roamed around. It was fun.
After church, Mum and I ventured into the cold to go to the grocery store. Once we got home we set to work making all kinds of things for the girl's teachers. Mamma and Bailey, I think, made a couple pies, and I made some fudge and some winter bark. (Both of which turned out beautifully, by the way.) Then we packed fudge and winter bark into boxes for the girls teachers, and packed everything into the car to head to church again. It was pretty interesting, getting into church, since we were trying to carry all the boxes of candy on a tray, plus all our stuff, and I was carrying my Jones and a can of whipped cream. We (Paige and I) delivered the pies and whipped cream to the breakroom, and ran (as fast as we could, since my Converse and Paige's Ugg boots are actually extremely slippery on the supposedly "no-slip" stairs at church) to the refuge of my 3rd grade classroom. Class was good. Afterwards, I ended up hanging out with a few friends until my mamma had to come and get me (oops...). It was fun.
I just have to say, I love baking for christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making fudge and winter bark was so much fun!!!! It was soooooo easy too! Tomorrow maybe I'll post the recipes. I know them but there's a couple things I'm not sure of and I don't want to post the wrong thing, so I'll just wait and post them later.
Do you realize that that was your 50th post!?!
it was????!!!!! woooooo hoooo!!!!! yay me!!!!!
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