I just thought I should do a special post in honor of this being my 43rd post! (Haha, yeah,
actually, umm, I couldn't think of a title...I know, I'm lame) Today I was sick, so that's been lame. Umm, yeah, what started out as a cold in my throat turned into a stuffy nose and sinus headache...aahh! I absolutely HATE being sick! I was sooo upset cuz I couldn't go to church yesterday, and I probly won't get to go to ladies' study, or bible study. (Well, that's in 2 days. Maybe I can talk my mom into it by then.) And I don't get to go to Taekwondo tomorrow night. Which is lame cuz I could've sparred and stuff (and as much as I don't like sparring with all the big guys, it is good practice, I know.) Plus I had some stuff to do for my red collar test, but anyway, moving on.

I just did a bunch of English today. I had some left over from last week, and there was enough reading to go along with it to last me all day. I had to read like 10 chapters of The Prince and the Pauper. Which is a decent book, except right now I don't want to hear about the daily life of Tom Canty and Edward I....I would rather skip to the last chapter and just see what happens at the end! How childish is that? Just right now I'd rather be reading Inkspell. I have so many good books I want to read but they all have to wait for after Prince and the Pauper. Like Sense and Sensibility, North and South, A Tale of Two Cities, umm, plus I'm at the end of Wives and Daughters and the beginning of Inkspell. Anyway, I think I'll be done now.
How exciting!! Oo those books sounds AMAZING! I love reading!! Its soo fun! Whelp I hope you get better super super super fast!
Uh, InkDEATH Cait, InkDEATH.
NO! You must resist the temptation! No skiping the the end of books... ever! Even if it's a really boaring one like twenty thousand leagues under the sea or moby dick... do not skip. But setting a book aside because of creative differences is okay.
well, I did finish it and I didn't skip...yay me!!! but it was really REALLY boring! (trust me, I have set MANY books aside because of creative differences :0)
and becca i meant inkDEATH! i just was umm, maybe a little tired or something
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