Then when it was my shift, Amanda went off to get something to eat, and I left to help out. When I got there, there were two people at the duck pond already, so I hung out there with the intention of taking over as soon as the other person got there who was going to help me out. Then Kristy came in and said that they were the 8-9 shift and they didn't need anyone else, so I left and hung out with Anne for a bit which resulted in a spontaneous trip to Costco with Deb, Anne, Hayden and Chris. It was pretty funny. We left Costco with 24 huge bags of candy. When we got to church we had to distribute the candy to all the different classrooms. Danae's dad walked with me across the court-yard because 'anything can happen with candy!' :)
After the Harvest Party, I went to the O's house. Amanda and I restrung the E string on her guitar, and then tried to tune it, but it was so out of tune that we couldn't get it back in tune. We watched half of Night at the Museum, and then it was 12:10, and we were tired so we went to bed. We got up at 9:43 this morning and watched a little bit more of Night at the Museum, and then we had pancakes for breakfast. After breakfast we watched the rest of the movie and then dumped our bags of candy out on the living room floor. We sat and traded candy until we had all the stuff we liked and none of the stuff we didn't li
ke, and the same amount of candy. Altogether it worked out pretty well. Then the two of us and Katie decided to make a horror movie, and we started it, but the camera batteries died so we had to stop. We had quesadillas for lunch and then we got ready and left for soccer. Annie and Hayden were there and they weren't playing, so I hung out with them for around a half hour before my mom got there while everyone else played. And yeah, that's about it.

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