On Tuesday I got a brand new iPod nano...it's 8GB, and it's pink too! I was so excited...plus I got it at Costco for $10 less than I could get it anywhere else. I was totally stoked!!! So I got to take it to ladies' study on Wednesday and show it off. Unfortunately, (well, not really unfortunately, just in this instance unfortunately) I wore a pink and grey dress and pink sweatshirt, which gave Austin ample opportunity to comment, 'Oh, you match your iPod. How cute!' Ha. Ha. Very funny.....Yeah, but I love it, and it's so much fun to play with. I love turning the volume up and down and scrolling thru my music just to use the little scroll-ey button...it's amazing!!

My dad is out of town, so my mom took the girls and rented a bunch of what my dad calls 'sappy girl movies', most of which involve Barbie (eww!). Last night's feature was "Barbie and the Diamond Castle", which Paige and I mocked profusely and with fervor. It had the most ludicrous plot, which involved the most ridiculous looking hot pink acoustic guitars (all my guitar playing friends will understand that absolutely no one takes you seriously when you play a hot pink acoustic guitar...am I right? Of course I am....;D) Also, the ridiculous characters made up the most absurd song on the spot (they composed stupid songs all throughout the movie) that Paige and I had a lot of fun mocking. Also there were the most retarded boys in it...yeah, I won't even go into that. The only interesting part was the 2 dogs in it had some amazing dance moves...you know, those ones that the guys on the games team at VBS always try so hard to get...? And never succeed...? (You know the ones) Well, those dogs had it down, I'm telling you. ;)

Tonight we're watching Cranford, which should be a major improvement on Barbie. Supposedly it's really funny. We have a great stock of movies to watch before my dad gets home, such as North and South, Expelled, Tuck Everlasting, another stupid Barbie movie (maybe I can burn that one before we get to it...hmm...), The Ugly Dachsund (yeah, I know I didn't spell that right), The Love Bug, and a whole bunch of other ones. Yeah, we party when my dad leaves (not really, we just watch a whole bunch of movies that he hates....that's all). Anyway, that is pretty much all I have to say...oh yeah, we saw Shylie tonight and she is absolutely adorable!!! Now that's all I have to say...
I LOVE Cranford, and North & South, and Tuck Everlasting... They are so good!
thats sounds so fun! ( cant i ever come over when you guys do this! jk ) haha
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