Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Aimless Truths

Yeah, so some aimless truths.

A Truth About Books:

"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."

~Mark Twain

A Truth About Vegetables:

"Vegetables are no fun to prepare, and they're no fun to eat."


A Truth About Boys:

"Boys hang out with girls because they have nothing better to do."

~Also Unnamed

Each of these truths has been proven with the revised scientific method: first they were a thought, then after being tested with a significant amount of data, became theory, then after more data, they became truths.

Therefore, these things are true and I will stand by them til the rapture.
Post Script: I recently discovered a Truth About Writing as well, but the "quoter" of this Truth was proven unworthy to be featured on this blog, so you will have to wait until I discover another one.

1 comment:

Sh Family said...

okay....that BarlowGirl music video was weird. It made no sense. It was actually quite disturbing...
