Yesterday was a pretty good day. The morning service was really good. We went to second service cuz we were so tired from the chili cook off. A whole bunch of kids came up late. Hahaha! Anyway, the teaching was really good. I was on the computer most of the afternoon, looking at other people's blogs, and posting on mine.
Sunday night we had a full class, because 2nd and 3rd grade were combined. Esther was out of town, too, and Simon was serving somewhere else, so it was just Annie, Zack and me. Also, we played dodgeball, and wound up with a couple little girls who got hit in the face, and two bloody noses. (From balls, not fists...we're not too violent @ church) Yeah, it was pretty crazy. Also one little boy wasn't feeling well, and a little girl had an awful headache (actually we had to take her to her mom). So Annie and I kept Matt and Hayden on their toes last night. Other than that, our class went well.
This week I have to remember to work on our upcoming craft project. Esther and I noticed that the morning service 3rd grade class was always putting really rad crafts up on the walls, and we weren't, so the two of us resolved to have the very coolest craft in the room. It is going to go along with the tower of Babel lesson next week. It is supposed to take up a whole section of wall that Anne told us we could have to use.
We are going to use paper blocks and write "hello" in different languages all over them. (Because God made everyone speak different languages so they would disperse) We might even have the kids draw little people on some of them. Then we will staple them to the wall, and stagger them so it looks unfinished, because they never finished the tower of Babel. Yeah it should be pretty cool. Anyway, so Esther and I have to find "hello" in other languages, and get there pretty early, and probly stay relatively late to finish it next week, but it will be cool. And...yeah that's all I have to say.
Last night was crazy! I've never had so many injured children in my class. The boys took their wounds charmingly though.
oi (Portugues)
hola (Spanish)
bonjour (French)
Hallo (German)
ciao (Italian)
Hallo (Dutch)
привет (Russian)
hei (Norwegian)
こんにちは (Japanese)
喂 (Chinese)
"I'm fluent in all languages"
I'm totally serious...
oi (Portugues)
hola (Spanish)
bonjour (French)
Hallo (German)
ciao (Italian)
Hallo (Dutch)
привет (Russian)
hei (Norwegian)
こんにちは (Japanese)
喂 (Chinese)
"I'm fluent in all languages"
I'm totally serious...
thanks so much for 'hello'
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