Saturday, August 14, 2010

Psalm 8:3&4

•Psalm 8:3&4•
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?

The photo is of Venus. Mercury and Mars are in the picture also, but you can't see them. I find it hard to believe that we can actually see the planets from here. Or that they shine so brightly. Or that they align themselves periodically so that they're all in this beautifully perfect little row - perfect for Type A people like me. I want to get a picture of that. How amazing. Just another picture of God's amazing goodness, and the intricacy of His creation. I can't begin to understand it.

I love these verses. I remember memorizing them in seventh grade when I was on the VBS worship team. I think one of the other girls had to recite them at the end of one of our songs, "Creator King," if I remember correctly. But I suppose I heard them so many times that I memorized them right along with her. I guess they've always been special to me for that reason. But really, they also just speak of God's majesty and power. Who are we that He would even... consider us in any way? That we would ever enter His thoughts? Let alone love us so much that He would send His son to die on a cross for us. He is the Creator of everything! We could never deserve His love. Still, He keeps giving it. ♥

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