Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Edward and Martin are planning a reunion for tonight.

This way, if everything goes according to plan, Edward and Martin will be reunited this very night.

Planning a reunion is a great way to reunite two people, such as Edward and Martin.

Edward and Martin are eagerly anticipating being reunited at the planned reunion.

By this time, my talk of reunions and reuniting of Edwards and Martins and plannings has probably brought you to one of two things :

1 : tears of frustration and/or confusion, OR

2 : laughter. Just laughter. OR

3 : you may be shaking your head in puzzlement at my stupidity and idiocracy.

I'm just guessing, but I would guess that the majority of you are participating in that third action that I listed.

Maybe not. Maybe you are participating in the first one, or the second one. After all, they are options. Valid options.

Oh, never mind.


Martin's Spokesperson said...

Martin wanted me to express his deepest regrets regarding the termination of the reunion last night. He is heartbroken, but will hopefully be better by next week. Martin sends his regards to Edward. Would you be so kind as to pass them on?

Annie said...

Poor Martin and Edward! I feel for them... I really do.

Edward's Spokesperson said...

On behalf of Edward :

Edward gladly recieves Martin's salutation. Edward also sends his fondest regards to Martin. He was likewise heart-broken and otherwise sorrowful in every way at the sad end of the reunion. He hopes that he can finally be reunited with Martin next week, as he misses him terribly.