Saturday, March 20, 2010


I was recently debating the official meaning of the word 'flappacino' with some of my co-workers. Apparently the origin of this word is rather debatable.

Arguably, the word in question originated from the word 'frappucino,' which is, of course, a blended coffee drink. Apparently 'frappucino' evolved into 'flappacino' when someone suggested a flamingo frappucino.

The other opinion stated was that the word was used in this context :

"HEY! Would you mind shuttin' your flappacino? I'm tryin' to talk here!"

I wholeheartedly support the second opinion.

Ohhhh, yes.

That's right.



Maci said...

Je ne comprends pas.

Cait said...

It's a made-up word, of course.

Does that clarify?