Friday, February 12, 2010

True Love Waits

I find that I have quite often been one of those girls who is looking forward to nothing but growing up so I can get married and have children and do grown up things. But lately, I find that there is a lot more to life than just growing up.

I've searched my whole life for my "prince", and at one point thought I had found him, only to discover that my personal preference and God's plan for my life don't always line up exactly. Go figure. In any event, having moved past that difficult situation, I've discovered that I don't really need a "prince", or any kind of a special guy in my life right now.

I mean, eventually my desire is to get married and have kids. That's always been on my heart. But I don't need it now. I have gotten myself into this mindset, and I think a lot of girls do, that I need to hurry up and find someone quickly, or it will be too late, and I'll be left an old maid for the rest of my life. That if I haven't found the guy I'm gonna marry before I'm 18 that I'll be doomed to spinster-hood. Ha! If that isn't the most ridiculous thing ever, I don't know what is.

I've been literally searching, and that's not what God wants of me. I'm not supposed to go seek out my own guy. God will bring someone into my life whenever He sees fit, and it will be the perfect guy who will pursue me. Not the other way around. I needed to step back and let God do His thing, because He can do it a LOT better than I can. I should have been waiting on Him to do the job all along.

But I've seriously felt for a long time that if I didn't look real hard and find a guy that I'd never be able to get married or whatever. Not even trusting that God would bring the right person into my life at exactly the right time.

And I think it's time for me to move past that. To enjoy where I'm at in life right now. To enjoy being in high school and hanging out with my girlfriends and doing fun girl stuff and not even worrying about boys. Who needs boys? Not I.

So I think I'm gonna nix the "find a guy really fast so I can get married really young" idea, and I'm gonna have fun being a high school kid instead.

Sound like a plan? I think so. :)


mrnmrskee said...

You are quite an amazing young woman! I love you! =)

Annie said...

What a beautiful revelation! I had my own once upon a time, haha. Young womanhood is way more fun without having to worry about immature boys.