"I am not a homosexual, you know," he declared indignantly. "And besides," he continued, "if my case must have a bow, at least it could be a real bow, and not just a sloppy old knot."
(Edward is rather O.C.D that way, you see. He likes everything to be nearly perfect.)
"But, Edward," I said defensively, "after all, it is my case. You are my guitar, that is. So whatever is yours, must be mine."
Edward disagreed. "Yes, but, I am the one who has to be seen publicly with this sloppy pink bow on my case. How is a guitar, (and a guitar with such a distinguished name as Edward, at that), supposed to keep his dignity when he must go around in public looking this way?"
"But not everyone even knows you're a boy, Edward!" I said.
"I rest my case," he replied indignantly.
Since he insisted on being so stoic about it, I relented.

Now we've upgraded to a nice little manly man bow. Edward is satisfied, because, after all, he does belong to me, and he knows how much I love bows. Isn't he so kind to indulge me?
Speaking of Edward, I believe I will soon be able to get him repaired. You see, for quite some time now, he has been having some problems with his 6th and 5th strings buzzing. I believe one of his bracings is loose on his inside. Also his intonation is quite off. I have recently checked his warranty and discovered that it lasts 4 years longer than I had originally suspected. Naturally, I was quite happy about this. Part of me is quite anxious to get him shipped off and fixed. My guitar teacher believes that Edward will be twice the guitar he is now (and he's amazing now), after he is fixed. The other part of me dreads sending him away because I know I shall miss him terribly. I will have to use Paige's nameless guitar to play worship, and my teacher's likewise nameless guitar for lessons. How desolate I shall be without my Edward to keep me company! Well, I suppose all things must be endured. "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven", isn't that what the Bible says? Like all seasons, my season of desolation shall end over time.
Good grief, look at me, crying over my desolation when I haven't even begun to become desolate yet! Edward is still here, in my bedroom. It's okay. Phew. I was becoming concerned for a minute there.
Today I went to the Capital with some friends. We had a grand time.
First we went to Old Town Sacramento, where we browsed some shops, escaped the creepy salesman in the candy shop, coughed loudly so that one would have thought we were getting ready to keel over and die every time we passed someone who was smoking, did not take a picture in front of the random man statue, etcetera, etcetera.
Afterwards we travelled a few blocks to the Capitol building, where we took some photographs, I stepped in the mud by accident, and half of us almost walked in wearing pocket knives. Altogether I believe there were five knives on the persons of various people in our party. We luckily remembered in time. Imagine our harmless party of seven walking into the Capitol building with five pocket knives! The security guys would have flipped. That would have been an interesting experience. But I would have been quite angry when they tried to take my knife away from me. I was glad we remembered about them. We tagged along behind a tour group for a little bit, so we could get into the Red Room and the Green Room, and then escape without having to listen to all that tour-guide mumbo-jumbo.
After that, we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory, where I ate Mizithra for the first time. It was quite yummy. :) Also I had Spumoni ice cream for the first time. That was quite yummy also. We ate around 4 and I haven't eaten since then, so you may judge how much we ate because it was so deliciously yummy. Also, I do believe we probably set a record for the loudest party of seven that has ever entered that restaurant, ever, in it's history. People were probably staring at us, thinking to themselves, "Are they ever going to shut up and just eat their pasta?", but we didn't. How could we? We were having so much fun.
Yesterday I got a new haircut. It's quite short. Compared to how it was, especially, that is. I was not planning on having a short haircut. Then, all of a sudden, on the way to the salon, I had a terrible urge to cut off my hair. My mum was rather skeptical, so I texted Anne. I can always count on her in times of crisis, you know. (Don't you just love people like that? I do.) Anyway, I texted Anne, who helped me decide to cut my hair. So I did. It's quite strange, all of a sudden having a foot less hair than you had before. But I like it. It's really easy to style it, too, which is handy. :)
I have applied for cosmetology school. I am anxiously awaiting my reply now. If they accept me, then I have to take an aptitude test. And then if I pass, and there is no way I could not pass - dang it, that was a double negative, huh? Urgh. Oh well. Forgive me. Anyway, then if I pass, they decide if they want me or not and if they want me then I can start in June. I am so excited! I hope it works out. I had heard that cosmetology school was really difficult to get into, but then lately I have been hearing quite the opposite, so I just hope it works out. That would be super awesome.
To Write Love On Her Arms week is coming up. March 1st through the 5th. I'll probably participate. :) It's always fun to have a legit excuse to color all over my arm with Sharpies. "Love is the movement."
Also my BarlowGirl concert is coming up too. March 2nd... :D I can't wait!
I was reading on Shannon Kubiak Primicerio's blog that's on her website the other day, specifically on her two posts, "Are Promise Rings Premature", Parts I and II. I don't know why I liked them so much, because I'm totally not going through anything at all like that right now. At all. But I really liked it. Maybe because I know so many people who have stuff like that going on...? I don't know... But you should read those posts. Super good.
And so pretty much that's it. ♥ Yep.
And your hair cut is terribly cute.
I am delighted to hear that Edward is going to be fixed up!
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