Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is the Cleverest People Who Have it the Hardest in Life.

Today I was out in the rain. It's days like these that make me wish I had asked my mummy for the orange coat that had a hood on it, and long sleeves, instead of the beautifully awesome plaid one that I have, which has no hood, and 3/4 sleeves. Oh well. I always love it when I walk in the door and each of my sisters exclaims loudly, "What happened to your hair?" As if I was not aware that my hair is out of the immaculate state of perfection in which my soul delights. Ah, the joy of unusually perceptive sisters. They can point out the obvious like no other.

Our snowboarding trip was cancelled for tomorrow. I wasn't particularly phased. I wasn't really in the mood for snowboarding anyway. We considered going on our own, despite the storm, but decided against it. I really am not up for being cold and miserable all day, anyway. Therefore, my goals for tomorrow are:

1 : sleep in.

2 : catch up on homework.

3 : take a nap.

4 : hang out with Edward - make up for having neglected him lately.

5 : be lazy.

6 : find some chocolate and eat it.

7 : hang out with Jesus - make up for having neglected Him lately, also.

8 : find something constructive to do so as to avoid spending ridiculous amounts of time online.

Good objectives, don't you think so? I shall try to cover them all, anyway. I'm most concerned about the nap, though. My naps never seem to work out for me.

I am dying to spend some money on Legalsounds.com right now. I am just positively desperate for some new music. I'm just trying to justify spending $50 all at once, on music. Not that I have a problem with that - my mum does. Well, I suppose we shall see. If you don't see me around for a couple of months, well, you'll know what happened. Get it? I said I was "dying" for new music...? Oh... Nevermind. *Sigh.*

The life of the clever is a difficult one, of that you may be sure.

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