Friday, February 5, 2010

An Epic Fail

So, I tried recording myself singing and playing guitar today, for a music project for school. Normally for music I take a picture of myself with my guitar and write a paragraph about how I go to guitar class every week and play guitar at home most every day, etcetera. This method is very convenient for me, being as lazy as I am, but unfortunately, my E.S. gets tired of the same ol', same ol'... on occaision. So this time I decided to mix it up a little bit, to make her happy, and do a recording of myself. Unfortunately, I have a really good mic, but no editting software whatsoever, and a recorder that will only record 60 seconds at a time. Ugh. I have two words for my attempt, and they are these:

epic fail.

Yeah. So, that was an interesting portion of my day.

The remainder of my day consisted of - (...drumroll please...) - homework! Hallelujah!... Not. Story of my life.

Um, and basically, I have a really boring and also lame weekend ahead of me. So... yeah. And after that is, ugh, Monday. Blah.

I think I shall do some novel-writing tonight. I feel in that sort of mood.

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