So, since I've been back on here, I was, I don't know, for some reason not entirely connecting with my title, "Still Growin'". I still liked it, but I wasn't quite in that place anymore where it was me. I mean, obviously, I'm still growing--in Christ, anyway, but...that's beside the point.
I decided to change my title, to "First Love". I've always loved to say, "Jesus is my first Love", it's always been one of the titles for Him that's been really close to my heart personally. Because, He is. I mean, basically, He invented love. And He loved us FIRST. Our love for God is simply a response to His love for us, which is perfect and amazing and completely unfathomable to our small and simple minds. His love for us is SO great, we cannot even imagine how MUCH and how COMPLETELY He loves us.
And yet, so many people have turned away from Him, from their first Love. Even in the fullness and perfection of His great love for us, we turn away, in search of something better. When, in reality, we have the best that there is, right in front of us. What modern humanity brushes off as a fairy tale is really the only True Love in existence. He IS our first, and only, and true Lover.
Everybody always says, "Someday my prince will come." But what they don't realize is that our Prince has already arrived. He is there, waiting for us to open our eyes and see Him, and to accept Him, when He has been sitting there watching us the whole time. He hasn't come...He has been. He has always been. And He was. And He IS. He is a relentless Lover...my Relentless Lover. He came for the world, but He came for the individual. He came for me.
SOOOO, anywho...that turned out significantly longer than was my original intent, but...I basically just mean that it was kind of a reminder for me...that Jesus, and only Jesus, is my first Love. And that I never need to leave Him, because there is no one else on earth that is better than Him. I guess sometimes I get caught up in the material...because His love is so great, it's seems almost unreal. But really it's the most real thing I know, and I need to remember that.
Well said my sweet girl! I love you!
I 100 percent agree :)
Jesus is my first love all the way!
can you post again?!? ♥ mamma
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