"The 4 Girls in the Band"
I know what you're thinking..."those girls are so original," right? =)

Originally, Wyat wanted them to be "Power Trio" but Hayden convinced him that it should be "Power Quad" since there were four of them, lol.
Um, I don't remember their band name...did they have one?
Daddy and Uncle Dave "rockin'"
Well, Friday was pretty much nothing less than amazing. Becca beat me to it, but I have pics and she doesn't, so maybe everyone won't be bored with reading the same thing over again, lol. =) So Paige and I got to Becca's around 2ish, and everyone was playing Rock Band (obviously!). We hopped right in. After a little bit, Annie, Darilyn, Becca and I stepped out and hid in the playroom to chat. Annie and Darilyn plinked around on the piano, and I picked up Becca's guitar. Anne and Darilyn started singing along, and I think Becca was slightly irritated with me for playing the guitar because she wanted to role play, and because the three of us were all singing, everyone was kinda ignoring her. lol...what can I say? I can never resist a guitar, if it's just sitting there.

For those of you who know no French, it's "Music is my passion" Mace made it on Photoshop, isn't she amazing? And her picture is amazing too. (Love ya Mace =] )
So anyway...after that, we wanted to go outside, so we raced out to the swings. There being only two swings, Becca having a head start b-cuz she already had her shoes on, and me being the fastest (sorry Bec, I just had to do that =] ), we got the swings. Darilyn and Anne followed. Becca had the high swing cuz her legs are longer ('sides, she took it first) so my swing was about a foot off the ground. After we had swung for a minute, we all wanted ice cream, so Annie and Darilyn took off running, and I jumped off the swing, intending to follow. Well, whether my hand got caught in the rope (my version) or I tripped over my sandals (Annie's version), I fell (knowing me, are you surprised?) and skidded about a foot in the gravel on my hands and knees. Needless to say, my hands, knees and one elbow were quite scraped up. I have quite the battle wound on my right hand (thank goodness, I can still write and play guitar, yay me!). It looks quite interesting, and will make a very nice scar when it's healed. I'm too lazy to take a picture, so you'll have to look when you see me in person. So, after I changed my shirt, (mine was white and got dirt all over it,) we took the Volvo and went to Becca's grandma's house to get ice cream. On the way there, we listened to Phantom of the Opera. I can almost sing the whole thing now, yay! 'Course, I can't hit all the notes, but almost...well, sort of...well, actually, to be quite frank, I don't come anywhere near hitting the notes. But it's fun to try! On the way home, we listened to Bohemian Rhapsody...of course! We sat in the car to finish the song (Annie, Becca and I couldn't bear to leave without hitting the high note) and ended up finishing our ice cream in the car while listening to various music. After that we went in Becca's room and turned on Leeland and Anne showed us the handmotions. Very fun. lol. Olivia thought we were hilarious, 'specially when we made her play the crippled man in "Tears of the Saints". Later, we ran to Save Mart, didn't buy Mountain Dew (boohoo :(...), but bought Coke and chips and Oreos, and had crepes, and my family came over, along with Anne's parents, and Chris. We eventually decided to have a Battle of the Bands. We divided into 3 bands. The 3 dads and Aunt Jenny in one, Chris, Hayden, Wyat and Paige in another, and the last one was Anne, Becca, Darilyn, and me. Us girls were working on our "moves" for "stage presence", when Uncle Jeremy walked out of the bathroom in a tank top and ripped up jeans with a blue beard, and at that point, we decided that we couldn't be outdone, so knowing us, we went all out with costumes. My hair was HUGE. Can you tell in the pictures? And the other girls had so much makeup on. Black eyeshadow makes people look very scary sometimes. But it was so much fun. We didn't win...but it was fun. And we did rock pretty hard. (lol, jk.) I was on my knees singing at one point. (It was very, very planned, in case you were wondering. I'm not random and intelligent enough to think of it by myself in the middle of a song.) So fun.
Soooo, anyway. Oh, yesterday, I didn't get to go to morning service cuz the girls were sick, but I went to evening service and we had a PARTY!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I picked up Costco cupcakes, and punch, and we watched Little Joe (Veggie Tales is bomb, and that one is the best one ever!!!!!!!!!! The Bellybutton Song is amazing!!!!!) The kids were like hypermaniacs. IS that a word? I don't think so, but that's what they were. So anyway, that was fun though. Really the kids didn't deserve a party at all, it was more for mine and Esther's benefit than theirs, we just wanted a party. And Felt Theater was like 1/2 an hour long, but it was SOOOO funny. So yeah...
Today we went to Bass Pro in Manteca. It was fun sort of, but I was mostly bored. We spent most of the day there. We had Chicken Barn on the way home. I played my guitar a bit earlier, we just had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup for dinner. (Anne: It was good but my mamma just doesn't know how to make it spicy enough. We must remedy this.) So...yeah that's been the past few days.
Tomorrow I have an orthodontist appt. Hopefully I can get a time out of him as to when I get them off. Soon, I hope...Also Shelbie and I are going to the mall for a deaf community social event for our ASL class. It's going to be interesting, b-cuz niether of us have ever talked to like a real deaf person. Only to each other. And we can stop and translate in English whenever we need to. And we honestly haven't had that many random conversations in sign. So we'll have to practice as much as we can tomorrow. Yikes! At least our teacher will be there, otherwise we would be completely lost. It'll be an experience, though, that's for sure. So I'll post on how that goes later...and that's all for now. =)
♥ ♪ ♫ la musique est ma passion ♫ ♪ ♥
that was sooooo much fun! Wyat was totally rockin' there!!! We actually never got those bonus points...
Hey! I renamed my band 'El Diablo's Ninos'.
Ahhh! I pulled up the picture of us and we all have red eye REALLY bad... it was scary!
Oh and the party at church was totaly all for you and Ester. The kids told me several times that they never asked for a party, and would rather be playing dodgebal. LOL!
that's naughty!!! =)
The dads and my moms band was Losser on the peice of paper that the boys (Chris and Hayden) were keeping score on soooo... I don't know. You actually read our blogs Hayden?!?
Hayden dosn't... he was reading over my shoulder while passing through the office.
i figured it was something like that, as that was a longish post and i couldn't imagine Hayden actually sitting down and reading all that... =)
haha dude i had soo much fun!!!
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