Guess who's a 2nd degree recommended black belt???? Me!!!!!! Yayyy! My test was last night. It went really well. I had to do several of my patterns, spar 3 times and I broke 6 boards (2 at a time, not all at once, of course). And I was sooooo excited, because when I was done sparring, my hair wasn't all sweaty and crazy like it usually is. (I'm so vain...I know. But Anne, you know what I mean.) And my face didn't turn purple either. Yay! So yeah, I just wanted to let y'all know that. I don't have any pics yet, but when I get them, I'll post a few, if I don't look too wierd in them.
Congrats Cait!!!
(Just don't be suprised if we ever get jumped together, if I cower behind you:)
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man that's sooooooooooo stinkin amazing!! I agree with becca, I will cower behind you! haha, whelp maybe I could help, a little haha
I know exactly what you mean... it's hard to look perfect and spar and break things and still look good! I am so proud of you! LOL.
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