Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, I haven't done much today. I've had (still have, actually) a really bad kink in my neck, so that every time I turn my head or move my left arm, it hurts like crazy. So basically all day today I have lain on the couch with a hot rice sock (yeah, it's what it sounds like. a sock with rice in it.) on my neck, and read the Prince and the Pauper and Wives and Daughters. Also I knitted. I'm working on a sweater for my little cousin, and I finished knitting it today, so now all I have to do is sew it up. I'm so excited!! I love finishing my projects! The sweater is really cute...maybe I'll post a picture when it's all finished.
Yesterday I had Micah over. It was fun. She hasn't been over for a long time, and I haven't really got to see her or talk to her or anything except on Sundays, since she came over last time, which was in April. So it was good to have her over. We played Yahtzee like 2 times, and then that got boring, so we played Jenga like 10 times over (seriously!) and we couldn't get past 28 1/2 levels. We got exactly that like 2 or 3 times! Then we decided we wanted to bake something, so we started rummaging through our cookbooks to find something we could bake that didn't use milk or flour. (my mom was at the store for the precise reason that we were plumb out of milk, and real low on flour, amongst other things) We finally decided to make cake mix cookies, since they only use cake mix, water and oil. Well, in trying to fit the cookies all onto one cookie sheet, we made them a touch too big, and they all started spreading and growing into each other. We took them out before they got too big, but in doing so, left the middles a little raw. Oh well, we frosted them anyway. So now we have an abundance of purple and teal frosted really soft cake mix cookies on our kitchen counter. LOL!
And that's about it. Now my mum wants me to do some math, so I better get to that...


Sh Family said... how do you make cake cookies?

Cait said...

It's a box of cakemix with 1/3 cup oil and 2 eggs...and a pinch or so of flour.

Darylyn Aubrey Starn said...

thats soo funny! omgsh i say mum to haha, ok sorry thats really random! i always call my mom mudder mamma or mum! haha