Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Quiz

Hey guys, I got this in an email and thought it would be fun to put up here. You can copy and paste it into a comment and fill it out there.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
5:45, and then 6:10, and finally 6:35

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds, of course!!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
uuhhh, umm, hmmm, HSM3?? :0 Iwent for Shyloh...really! What??

4. What is your favorite TV show?
I really don't watch tv...seriously! only movies.

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Cereal...chex or special k

6. What is your middle name?

7. What food do you dislike?
lima beans, liver (I've never tried it but I'm sure I wouldn't like it if I did) hamburger

8. What is your favorite CD at moment?
Switchfoot "Beautiful Letdown" and "New Way to be Human"

9. What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive a car...but I imagine myself driving a '64 1/2 Mustang :)

10. Favorite sandwich?
Turkey, xtra sharp cheddar cheese and bread...nothing else!

11. What characteristic do you despise?
cockiness, esp. in guys

12. Favorite item of clothing?
my ae jeans, my tall boots, and my t-shirt with the headphones on it

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
maybe Ireland...I've always wanted to learn gaelic, and that seems like the best place to do it

14. Favorite brand of clothing?
ae, aeropostale, forever 21,

15. Where would you retire to?
I don't even have a job to retire from yet!!!

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
my 14th

17. Favorite sport to watch?
umm, I don't watch sports, really

18. Farthermost place you are sending this?
I'm not sending it anywhere

19. When is your birthday?
April 23rd

20. Are you a morning person or a night person?
night...definitely night.

21. What is your shoe size?
6 or 6 1/2, but mostly 6.

22. Pets?
2 dogs, 3 birds

23. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
ummm, no.

24. What did you want to be when you were little?
a gymnast...and always, a mamma

25. How are you today?
pretty good

26. What is your favorite candy?
umm, twix and reeses'

27. What is your favorite flower?
morning glories and hot pink carnations, and yellow roses

28. What are you listening to right now?
Paige and Bailey arguing about nothing

29. What was the last thing you ate?
uuumm, I don't remember. I'm getting ready to eat some pizza

30. Do you wish on stars?

31. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
hot pink and sparkly

32. How is the weather right now?
pretty nice...the sky's blueish for a change (a change from grey, I mean)

33. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
my aunt Jenny...I was calling Becca

34. Favorite soft drink?
mountain dew

35. Favorite Restaurant
bubba gumps

36. Real hair color?

37. What was your favorite toy as a child?

38. Summer or winter?

39. Hugs or kisses?
hugs, mostly

40. Chocolate or Vanilla?
CHOCOLATE!!!! always and forever...:)

41. Coffee or tea?

42. Do you want your friends to email you back?

43. When was the last time you cried?
about 4 days ago, I don't remember why

44. What is under your bed?
pillows, 2 boxes of clothes, a couple of dirty socks and a few hairbands and bobbypins

45. What did you do last night?
played Twister and watched True Grit

46. What are you afraid of ?
nothing...haha! actually, well, spiders...and my biology homework

57. Salty or sweet?
both, it depends on my mood

48. How many keys on your key ring?
I don't have a key ring, because I don't have a car

49. How many years at your current job?
almost 2 as a babysitter for Owen

50. Favorite day of the week?
Sundays and Thursdays, and any other day that turns out good

51. How many towns have you lived in?

52. Do you make friends easily?

53. How many people will you send this to?
I'm not sending it to anyone

54. How many will respond?
I haven't a clue...

1 comment:

mrnmrskee said...

If there are dirty socks or hairbands under your bed you best take them out. :) love your mama