1) I LOOOVE Spaghettios!!! I have since I was little, and I will even eat them cold! How disgusting is that???
2) I LOOOVE CHOCOLATE!!! My amazing cousin Hayden and I were so crazy about it when we were younger (and not as smart) that we made a 'thumb pact' that we would both marry chocolate when we grew up...I'll have to apologize to him for breaking the pact someday, I suppose.
3) I will NEVER, EVER, EVER, wear my bangs pulled back. For some reason (I'm so vain) I really think it makes my face look wierd when I do, so I don't.
4) I have always wished I had really super long dark red curly hair. I have no clue why, I just have. I've never actually ever met anyone with the sort of hair that I wish I had.
5) I have always wished for an older brother. Again, I have no clue why, because he would probably be the ultimate trial of my life if I did, but I still do. Alas, Hayden is the closest thing I will ever have (but I must say he has done quite a good job of being a fake big brother...and he's very convenient too because I don't have to be around him except when I want to!!! :) Haha)
6) I want to have lots and lots of kids eventually. Most people think that's wierd.
7) I've always wanted to play drums but I have like zero rhythm. Trust me, I've had Hayden and my sister Paige tell me that, and my uncle Dave and Hayden have tried to remedy my lack of rhythm too, but unfortunately, I am a very hopeless case.
8) I love, love, love computers!!! I am a freak over computers!!! I love the way I can do so much cool stuff on them. I always get super excited when I figure out a new way to do something really small, but really cool. I'm hoping to save for a laptop soon.
9) I love old cars!!! My favorites are Cadillacs and Mustangs. There are also certain models of Chevy's that I like but I don't know what they are. Everyone teases me about the Cadillacs though because almost always old ladies drive them. I just love the wings though!!! Also my grandad's old truck is really really cool. It's a little old blue Chevy with the paint coming off, and I have no clue what model it is. But it's the cutest truck and I love it.
10) Uhh, let's see. I love writing and recieving letters! Even though it's way less convenient than email or texting or anything. There's just something about getting mail, you know? That was a lame quirk, so I'll add an extra one.
Extra Quirk) I have really small feet (which I like) and really short fingers and legs (which I don't like). Actually all of me is really short, but I don't care. (I refuse to give my sister Paige the satisfaction of knowing that it bothers me that she is taller than I am.)
OMGSH, I am sooo incredibly strange. Yeah, that was a really wierd and self-centered post. Hmm...
Yes, Hayden is rather conveinient. (I know I spelt that wrong)
I to, though I really haven't told anyone, wish I had a big brother. I guess Haydens annoying enough to qualify!
haha i have never ever had spaghettios and i love chocolate like no other, anddd Omgsh i think my face looks weird without bangs to!! and i do like my hair, even though it is a mess a lot. and ok big brothers are amazing, hmm but i think it would be so fun to have a little brother. hehe and agree about computers and writing and recieving letters! dont worry i am soo just as very weird as you! haaha
thank goodness i have company!!! lol!
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