Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:25-26
Well, last Friday night, we went over to Annie and Hayden's cuz some of the guys were playing crouquet. Us girls (me, Annie, Kristine, Kaitlyn and Paige) amused ourselves by building a fire (a long process that involved an extended period of time trying to make flames using a lighter, and then eventually led to using a blowtorch on paper grocery bags for extended periods of time-yep, that's how us girls light fires :) haha) Anyway, once we got the fire going, we roasted (actually, burned) marshmallows. Then Annie, Kristine and I collected donations for the "Pie Fund". Once we had gotten quite a bit of money, the three of us drove to Marie Calendar's and bought like 4 or 5 pies, and then went to Walgreens to get paper plates and plastic cups. On the way home we listened to Bohemian Rhapsody really loud and sang really high and it sounded awful but it was fun. After we ate the pies and amongst other things, played Imaginiff and watched old movies of ourselves when we were little kids, Kaitlyn, Paige, Annie and I decided to take some cool pictures. After we took some very solemn and quite interesting photos, we had an inspiration...we should make a movie!! So we did. Yeah, it started with a butter knife...and here's what came out.
Yeah, wasn't that funny?? We were pretty proud of it. Annie put it all together (I just thought I should mention that since she didn't give herself credit for pics or arrangement or anything in the credits at the end.) Yeah, she did all that stuff, that's why it looks so good and has the fitting music and everything. I just had a thought, what is is with me and morbid movies?? Both the videos I have posted on here I am a good person (here, driven to evillness though!) that gets murdered. Hmm... Anyway, Anne was going to post it on her blog and it didn't work so I thought I'd try it on mine so there it is.