Well, yesterday was pretty good. Like I said in my other post...we were late to ladies' study. That was interesting. Apparently, they had called Austin into the Toddler's room to help James and Mandy out because I hadn't showed up. So as soon as I walk in and apologize for being late, Austin goes 'So yeah, you know, they just said they needed extra help in here...' and James says, 'Yeah, cuz Caitlin was late.' Oops. So Austin stayed in there the whole time, and can I say, Austin and James together lead to some very interesting topics of conversation. Such as shopping (which is only interesting if it involves guys, otherwise, it's perfectly normal--and it did involve guys) and reasons we get into trouble, and why we get grounded, and Austin going t.p.-ing in his Zorro costume. Yeah, it was "pretty dang funny" as James would say. Also, we had Jadon Burdick in there, so that made everything funnier too. If he's never told you what a bunny says before, ask him sometime. It's hilarious, he does bunny ears with his first two fingers and bounces them around while he says
"Bop, bop, bop" it is soooo funny! Oh, and Wednesday night was good too. We had a Wednesday Night Special, so we watched a documentary on how Iran and Russia coming together and preparing for a nuclear war relates to the war of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 and 39. It was really great, but if you were seeing that in any other than a Christian perspective it would be like soo scary. As it was though, it was really good. There was popcorn like everywhere by the time it was over though. Sarah said that halfway through someone started throwing popcorn at her...I guess that's what you get when you put a whole bunch of teenagers and a whole bunch of popcorn in the same dark room...ha ha ha!

Today we are going to guitar and Taekwondo. It should be good...oh yeah, we're also going to Annie's cuz mum is going to pray with Auntie and Lucy for Uncle Brent. To anyone who gets on here...please be praying for everyone up in Idaho right now...they really could use it. Anyway...yeah, that's about all I've got for now.
It was a pretty good couple of days, huh sweetie
love ya, mom
I've been praying for your aunt and uncle.
sounds like you've been having a pretty dang good time in ladies study!
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