Yesterday was the chili cook-off at church. It was ever so fun. Shelbie and I took Poppet and Lolly around for a bit. We hung out at the face-painting booth for a while, while Poppet, Lolly, Shayden, Shannen and Shadd got their faces painted. While the boys were getting theirs' done, we walked over and got some lemonade, talked to Annie and her friends, and got some more lemonade (they were getting their whole faces painted like tigers, so they took a while).
When they finished, we took the 3 boys and Poppet, and got in line for snow cones. The boys got a whole bunch of flavors on theirs, but Shelbie and I both got lemon. It was very refreshing, but the flavor went away pretty quickly. We took our snow cones and sat on a blanket over on the grass where Shelbie's family was, and chatted with Shyloh and Jeff a little bit.
When we finished, we were going to take Poppet and Lolly on the bounce house, but they were closing it down. Shelbie and I walked around a bit, and then it was dinner time, so we got our tickets and stood in line with Shyloh and Jeff.
After we got our dinner, I decided to go sit with my family. I mostly watched Fisher instead of eating, but I did eat some chili. Then I went over with Annie, Kaitlyn, Mandy, James, Hayden and some other kids and watched Austin and Zac doing shadow pantomime things through the side of the awning. They did some pretty funny ones. I hung out with Mandy, Kaitlyn and Annie for a while. It was funny cuz Mandy and Annie decided to "run aimlessly" across the field, so Kaitlyn and I slowly followed them, while commenting that we just follow, except for when Mandy and Annie can't decide what to do, and then Kaitlyn decides for them. (That's why Mandy calls her 'O Decisive One'). Anyway, while we were walking back, we were sort of in a line, with Kaitlyn slightly in the front, and the sun was in our eyes, so we were squinting, and we were walking slowly and swinging our arms. Anyway, we were over by the lemonade, and Aunt Laurie came over to us and was commenting on how we looked like people out of an old western, and how we should get black coats with those slits up the back made for horseback riding and stuff, it was pretty funny.
Later, we had squaredancing. The lady they've had for several years was back again. She's really great. I was with Shelbie. As always, everyone was completely confused, but it was fun. When we did one dance where the girl went from person to person around the huge circle, I got to Austin and he was showing me the red place on his nose from where Bailey hit him with the rock (oh, did I not mention that before? Yeah, Bailey threw a rock with her toes and hit
Austin in the nose with it at Hayden's party Friday night). It was funny. Then we had to get in squares. I was in a square with me and Shelbie, Shyloh and Jeff, James and a girl named Brittney (I think) and Amanda G. and one of her friends. Then after Shyloh and Jeff left, some other couple came into our square. I think Shelbie and I kinda confused everybody because we kept on switching between me being the guy and Shelbie being the guy. It was funny. We had a lot of fun though.
Also, I finished Brisingr last night. I read on the way to the chili cook-off, and I had literally, 4 pages left when we got there. I wanted to just finish it, but I couldn't so I finished it when we got home. It was pretty good, there was only a couple things that I didn't like. I can't wait for the next one to come out now though! And yeah, that's pretty much it...
1 comment:
the chili cook off was awesome!! sorry that jeff and i ditched you guys so suddenly!
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