Today, we also went shopping @ Gottshalks...I love Gottshalks!
I always seem to come away with an abundance of cute clothes I really didn't need, but also didn't pay for, so hey, I won't argue! ;) Today, some of the fruits of my labor (and shopping is labor...despite what some people might tell you...but good labor!) were some cool like vintage-ey 80's lookin' t-shirts, and a pair of skinny jeans. Yep, it was pretty fun.

We went to was normal...we did some self-defense getting-out-of-a-chokehold type stuff. Yeah, pretty hard-core...not! I mean, I definitely take the sport seriously...but the self-defense stuff, we don't do very often...and it takes doing 20 bazillion times before you can do it out of instinct. Anyway, we were laughing and slightly overexaggerating everything today. 

On Saturday, the 20th, Brisingr, by Christopher Paolini, came out. For those of you who don't read much (cuz if you do, I'm sure you'll know what I'm talking about) it is the 3rd book in the widely (but recently) renouned Inheritance cycle (aka the Eragon series). Anyway, I've had a copy reserved since April, so I got it Saturday and I'm enjoying it. He (the author) put one thing in there so far that I wanted to sock him know, when you follow a series, and the author does something and you're just like...aww, why did you have to go and put that in there???...that type of thing. But I like far, he hasn't put anything too stupid in there. I would hate him for ever if he did (but I would probly still read the next book). I took my copy to church on show it off to all the kids who didn't reserve a copy...let's just say, William doing a happy dance as soon as he saw it was pretty amusing...I wished I had it on video to post it. :) Annie wasn't quite so enthusiastic.
Oh yeah...I almost forgot...on Friday I got a cell phone!!!!!! I have to share it with Paige of
course...but it's gonna be split about 80/20. Just cuz I do more. It's not for calling friends and stuff, pretty much just for calling Mum and Dad when I'm gone. But still, it is a cell phone, and I am excited. It's not even a cool phone either...just a Nokia's fat-ish and not small, but I'm still excited...after all, it is my first phone. And it's nice not to have to carry my mom's big bulky black Nextel phone around any more...yeah, I won't go into that, it's too painful a subject. Plus this new phone has bluetooth and takes pictures...features none of our phones have had before. So yeah I'm pretty excited.

Tomorrow we have ladies study. I think we are taking some of the banana bread I made the other day, if the girls haven't eaten it mom said this batch was perfect...I think that means it was my best so far. I have never messed up on banana bread, although usually I don't eat it myself, cuz I don't like bananas. I must say, though, it is a pretty good way to get rid of 6 rotten bananas. (Those are the only kind to use in good banana bread) Anyway...oh yeah, my mom is going to fix my new dress for me tonight so I can wear it tomorrow. It is hot pink with yellow flowers and teal's on the border of old lady, but I think it can pass for funky 80's because of the style and the spaghetti straps. Anyway, that's all I have for now.
I was so jealous when you showed me your book! DO NOT tell any more about it, I'm only a couple chapters in... don't crush my hopes!
Much Love
Thanks for the offer (about the slideshow), I know how I just wanted more space taken up on my page... it has been empty for a while.
wow!! great job on the lengthy post! i enjoyed hearing about what you have been up to lately.
yay...comments...i luv comments...woot woot!
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